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1.Exhibitors must have effective business license and other legal documents.
2.After the exhibitors book the booth, please fill in the Application Form carefully. and then send the Application Form with stamp and signature to the organizing committee. We will send you the “Booth Confirmation Form” after receiving your Application Form.
3.Within7 days after the exhibitor receives “Booth Confirmation”, you should make full payment or 50% into the account of organizing committee, Expire, the organizing committee has the rights to cancel your participation.
4.The organizing committee will follow the principle: applied first, paid first, served first
5.The organizing committee has rights to change and move some confirmed booths considering the safety problem and the whole image.


Shibowei (Beijing) Exhibition Co.,Ltd. Address:Room 904, Cell 4, Building 1, No 69, Chao yang District, Chao yang Road, Beijing Tel:+86-10-85785035/36 Fax:+86-10-85841055

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