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Charasteristics of Chilean Olive Oil

Updated:2014-01-08 13:40:56Source:http://en.oilexpo.com.cnClick:
Core prompt:Among the mountains, rivers and the ocean; Chile is hiding a real paradise in terms of agriculture Its territor

Among the mountains, rivers and the ocean; Chile is hiding a real paradise in terms of agriculture. Its territory  is considered as a naturally protected area from the phytosanitary threats affecting the rest of the world.
4000 km. of coast line, 15.000.000 of hectares of the driest desert in the world, channels, fiords, the Andes mountain wich has an altitude of 5.000 meters acting as a natural barrier that keeps away diseases and parasites that might affect the farming production.
Due to the characteristics mentioned above, Chile one of the few countries that can assure to be totally free of the feared olive fly (bactrocea oleae).
Among the different climates in this territory, there is a group of micro weather wich has very similar conditions (temperature and humidity) as the Mediterranean weather; it varies with rain in winter and sun in summer. This climate does not let the rain affect the maturation of the olive fruit although, it gives the necessary irrigation to allow the developed of the tree.
Also the thermal variety between day and night stimulates the concentration of aromatic components and those 4.000 kilometers of coast line help to level the temperature by creating very positive conditions for growing of olive trees. 
High Technology Standards:
In Chile, the olive tree plantation are handle with a highly technological irrigation system which allows it to increase to almost double the yield than Europeans (about 12 tons by hectares against 6,5 tons in Europe).
However, this does not mean that the quality is reduced;  it means it takes advantage of the potential of the terrain and trees to increase the efficiency of the business.
In general terms, thank´s to all these technological advances to the Chilean industry, the process of haversting, storing and packaging  does not take more than 12 hours. 
For this reason, we reduce the risk of oxidation of the olive fruit as well as avoiding less quality into the final product. 
Competitive advantage of Chile:
The main advantages of Chile, for the development of the olive oil industry at the international level, are the following:
• The cost of land and labor is lower in comparison with Europe.
• Extensive experience in production and export of wine, fruit and seafood, among others.
• It represents one of the countries with the lowest risk index.
• Low levels of corruption.
• Represents one of the highest economic growths in the region.
• Country with the largest number of free trade agreements (TLC) with leading world economic powers (USA, European Union, Canada, China, and Japan, among others).
• State incentives for foreign capital investment.
• Within the strategic plan to support investment, the Government of Chile promotes different alternatives of support and guidance to local firms which are committed to investment in agriculture in different parts of the country.  (From: ChileOliva)

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